According to the March edition of Elle Magazine that I saw on my most recent visit to the dentist, the Paris catwalks were awash with red. To break it all up they recommend black footwear but the idea is to be bold and bright.
This is good news for me as I made myself a very bright and bold red dress last summer and have yet to wear it.
I love this dress... it feels very girly and easy to wear but boy was it difficult to make!! I had seen a similar pattern on Great British Sewing Bee for a vintage 1950s dress called the Walkaway. A wrap-type dress that could be made in morning to be worn the same day... yeah right. The wrap works the other way on this dress (the front layer wrapping round to the back to fasten). Simple yet elegant.
I'm still not entirely happy with the way it falls at the waist so have unpicked the lining (I added this as it was unlined but my fabric was quite thin so needed something). I will also probably move the button loops slightly as it gapes too much between them.
As soon as this is done, I shall look forward to having an opportunity to wear the "in" colour this summer. I haven't got any black shoes that would go but I think my baby pink Swedish Hasbeens work perfectly.